If we are interested in being happy more of the time (and let’s face it, who isn’t?) and we hear that our natural state is actually happy all by itself, then we really need to examine what gets us unhappy. Well, basically it’s the sub-personalities that have a lot to do with that. You see the Pusher isn’t happy unless everything’s done (which it generally isn’t), the Pleaser isn’t happy unless everyone else is happy (which they generally aren’t), the Inner Critic isn’t happy unless you’re perfect (which you generally aren’t) and the Rulemaker isn’t happy unless everything is running according to schedule and in right order (which it generally isn’t). If these sub-personalities are controlling you it is easy to see that happiness isn’t really going to be an easy option!

However, there is a way to detangle yourself from these roles so that you can find who you who are behind these masks. Voice Dialogue is an extraordinarily quick and profound way to experience your sub-personalities and learn to separate from them. This rapidly brings increased peace, objectivity and happiness in more and more situations.

Rather than being stuck in these selves or sub-personalities, you will find a central awareness called the Aware Ego which can direct all these selves, but isn’t identified with any of them. Aware ego is a calm centred place in the middle of all these conflicting desires where life can be simpler, less reactive and plain old happier.
Aware ego develops when you learn to separate from the sub-personalities by resolving their underlying fears and through bringing other lost, shadow parts of yourself into the light.

Happiness happens when we are no longer avoiding or suppressing any parts of ourselves and feel free to express all aspects of us without fear. When you can embrace all parts of yourself, you can also embrace all parts of other people too, which allows you to feel love and acceptance no matter what is going on around you.

Happiness is actually a choice. Once you know how to stop being unhappy, then contentment is no longer something to strive for, but is an automatic result of inner freedom and acceptance. I hope that you are committed to finding that peace for yourself!