Core Coaching is a unique approach which gets right to the core of any presenting issue by creating deep ongoing change in your relationship with your mind and emotions. While most coaching focuses just on creating external results, Core Coaching allows clients to find an experience of inner freedom and contentment no matter what is going on in their lives through radical insight and acceptance. When we learn how to be truly content with who we are and what we have in the present moment, we automatically start being able to create and attract more of what we want into our lives.
Core Coaching allows you to get right to the centre of what is preventing you from experiencing peace of mind and shows you how to master your mind, free up your feelings and express your deepest desires in an authentic, open way. While most people strive to fix themselves and their relationship as they believe that this will give them happiness, if you go for freedom itself first, then life is a completely different process of simply allowing the natural flow of openness that is already inside you. Freedom is ultimately a connection with something bigger than yourself. Once you have established this connection and openness then life becomes an effortless process of gratitude, simplicity and fulfilment.
Imagine having someone there to guide, encourage and support you and to hold you accountable to being the peace of mind you want moment by moment. Core Coaching helps you develop more awareness, clarity, and direction about all the ways in which you shut yourself down from freedom. Having someone there to educate, inspire and assist you through the many distractions, busy-ness and obstacles that inevitably surface during everyday life, can make that vital difference in allowing you to achieve the levels of fulfilment and connection you’ve always dreamed of.
Core Coaching is available through video Skype or phone sessions.
For Individuals:
Elevate Core Coaching
This 3 month programme is suitable for people wanting to reduce stress and pain in their lives. You will fast track your transformation and learn the basics of applying Mind Mechanics and Emotional Equity to create increased happiness, and a new level of fulfilment through keeping your heart open and finding the source of love inside you.
The Elevate Programme includes 6 one-on-one video Zoom or phone sessions which last around an hour and a quarter. You will be given homework to do and also receive unlimited email support during the 3 months.
Liberate Core Coaching
This is a 6 month programme which is suitable for people who know that they need to make radical change in their lives. You will have a profound shift in how you experience yourself and the world which will allow you to become more peaceful, open and happy in all situations and to create a truly abundant and love filled life.
The Liberate Programme includes 12 one-on-one video Zoom or phone sessions which last around an hour and a quarter. You will be given homework to do and also receive unlimited email support during the 6 months.
For Couples:
Relationship Renovation Programme
This is a 3 month programme suitable for couples who need to renovate their faded relationship. Do you know, deep down, that you’re destined to have a better relationship? To be a model of a connection that is both close yet allows both partners freedom to be who they are (yes, you can have both!) and to be an inspiration of caring relating to children and family around you? You will learn what really causes disconnection in relationship and receive processes for successful communication, re-building intimacy and firing up that spark again.
Relationship Renovation includes 6 video Skype or phone 90 minute couple’s sessions. You will both be given homework to do in between sessions. You will also receive 1 Fight Fair 15 minute Power Call and unlimited email support during the 3 month programme.
Relationship Revolution Programme
This is a 6 month programme that creates a radical revolution in your relationship to turn it into the most fulfilling, loving experience of your life. By learning what really causes the conflict and challenges in your relationship, you can not only solve it but also use your love to heal your past, grow yourself to full bloom and reach your full potential as a human being. You will find more love within you than you thought possible and yet it won’t just be for your partner. You will find peace of mind. You will discover more parts of you than you ever knew existed. You will step into your true self, open your heart, calm your mind and become the best partner your spouse could ever want.
Relationship Revolution includes 12 sessions which will be a combination of individual and couple’s sessions. You will both be given exercises and reading to do between sessions. You will also receive 3 Fight Fair 15 minute Power Calls and unlimited email support during the 6 month programme.
Core Coaching for individuals and couples uses a unique combination of the following approaches:
Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue allows you to develop an awareness and experience of your inner selves or sub-personalities. Sub-personalities are those aspects of ourselves such as the pleaser, pusher, critic or couch potato that serve important functions at different
times. However if we are strongly identified with them, we are running on an automatic program that can cause problems in our all areas of our lives. Voice Dialogue offers a process where these aspects are identified, examined and then objectively looked at from the vantage point of the “aware ego” or the neutral observer. At this point these aspects can now be more consciously integrated so that we can use them when we need th
em and let go of them when they’re not relevant. After all at the end of a hard day at work using the “pusher” sometimes we need to be able to let go and be the “couch potato”!
This process teaches you to become aware of your thoughts and feelings so that you can just observe them without becoming entangled in your reactions to them. From this clear place you can experience the transient nature of thoughts and emotions. A clear mind allows mental activity to be optional whilst an open heart allows you to remain open to whatever emotions might be felt without turning to old defence systems. With these practices you can experience something beyond them that remains content and peaceful irrespective of life conditions.
The technique of meditation allows the mind to become still through focusing on a single point. It teaches you to remain mindfully aware as you explore the inner terrain of your being. You develop a neutral awareness that can allow old stresses and tensions to spontaneously unblock from your system. This experience often reveals a stillness beyond thought that awakens your natural energies and opens you to an ever deeper experience of happiness and peace.
Dynamic Facilitation
This process uses connected breathing to unblock stored emotions and access deeper levels of awareness and expression. This can encourage you to allow emotional release as well as experiencing deep transpersonal states to facilitate profound transformation.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful mental pattern breaking technique based on the understanding that emotional patterns run through meridians or pathways in the body. Using guided gentle finger tapping on specific points on the body whilst the emotion is being felt allows the release of negative emotions and limiting beliefs in a gentle yet highly effective way.
This allows access to subconscious feelings and can help to clear them again without having to relive past events and feelings.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP has some great techniques to clear emotions that often work without having to trawl though all the past events and feelings.