Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training is for coaches, therapists, trainers and health practitioners who want to use an extraordinary transformational process as a stand alone technique or as an adjunct to their current skills in supporting clients’ growth. Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training teaches facilitation skills alongside the Psychology of the Selves and Psychology of the Aware Ego, which reveals the profound space of potentiality and presence that emerges through facilitation.
Having different selves is normal. We all hear different voices in our head. One voice says we should go for a swim and the other says we should stay at work and catch up on emails. It depends which one you listen to as to what decision you’ll make. We all have different parts of our personality, which come out at different times. We are in one mode when we are at work, another when we are playing with kids, another with our partner and another when preparing for a dinner party. We move between these modes every day without noticing. However, these modes are often repetitive responses to situations that bring out the same unhelpful behaviour time and time again.
For example, have you or your clients noticed that they always feel anxious when someone around them is grumpy? Or do they notice that they start fretting if the towels in the airing cupboard aren’t perfectly folded? Or do they habitually think things that go wrong are all their fault? Or can they never switch off, even when on holiday?
That’s because these modes, or selves, are actually running them without their awareness. Each self has an agenda, a belief system, a physiology, desires and fears. Most people don’t have awareness of these selves without special training.
Voice Dialogue is the name given by Drs Hal and Sidra Stone who developed it, to the facilitation process which allows clients to become aware of these limiting selves or sub-personalities. Some common ones are the Pleaser, Pusher, Perfectionist, Inner Critic, Protector Controller, Responsible Self, Rulemaker to name a few.
Voice Dialogue allows clients to become aware of these sub-personalities and then learn new ways of separating from their agendas, desires and responses so that they can regain real choice. Imagine if your clients (or perhaps even you!) could feel relaxed if someone was grumpy around them rather than all anxious. Or if they could walk past an untidy airing cupboard without batting an eyelid. Or if they knew that things just go wrong sometimes and that not everything is their fault. Or that they finally learned to switch off and relax at home as well as on holiday.
Voice Dialogue Training is a unique opportunity to learn how your clients’ personalities are structured and how they function in a small, personally supervised group with Annie. This understanding will allow you to support them to greatly enhance their relationships, communication, creativity and intuition as well as to giving them a fascinating new perspective on their experience. Your clients will develop within them a centred, aware space from which they can effectively and easily direct all areas of their life. This process is a profound consciousness expanding tool and as such is suitable for well adjusted clients who wish to enhance their daily experience. It is not suitable for clients in crisis or who are not functional.
Voice Dialogue gives clients the tools to do all of this and much more. Unpeeling the layers of these sub-personalities is just the beginning. It’s like peeling the layers of an onion. Examining the layers is really just to put them to one side. The core of the onion is where we are heading. From there a profound emergence of awareness unfolds, allowing clients to find who they really are below their habitual patterns and concerns. This is known as the ‘Aware Ego Process’.
This process is therefore not just about reframing another way of seeing a challenge, but that it is who is seeing that challenge needs to change! This work actually allows a deep shift in identity. For example if your client thinks that they are never good enough and always fails at things, it might be that they are looking at the world through the Perfectionist’s glasses. It’s like looking through red lenses you’d swear that everything is red and can’t see any other colours. The Perfectionist is only looking for perfection and rating everything against that! It’s not just that they need to see that they are still a valuable person even if they are not perfect, but they get to realise like It was just the Perfectionist that they were looking through! From the viewpoint of the Aware Ego life is full of all the other colours and possibilities. This is a radical shift that is hard to describe, but profound to experience. People often describe being facilitated like ‘coming out of jail’!
However, as well as giving great benefits to your clients, Voice Dialogue Training also provides you with the following advantages:
- Use Voice Dialogue to understand and diagnose clients’ challenges
- Bring acceptance and understanding to all aspects of your clients’ selves
- Reduce your reactivity to triggers in professional practice
- Effect rapid and profound change with even challenging clients
- Increase your understanding of the human condition and develop increased compassion
- Increase your range of personal expression across all areas of your life
- Improve relationships and communication
- Enhance your ability to work with people’s different selves in general life
- Reduce judgment and intolerance of others
- Increase your ability to hold a space for clients irrespective of what they bring to sessions
- Add an incredible tool to your tool-belt that will enhance your coaching business
This course will be a deep transformational journey for you as well as your clients. You will be facilitating each other throughout the programme and so will be making profound shifts as we work through the different selves. You’ll need to have the space to dive deep into your own transformation, so this course won’t be suitable for anyone having major life challenges currently.
Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training is taught in a small, exclusive group across four foundation weekend workshops which will teach you the skills of Voice Dialogue facilitation, plus allow for your own deep inner transformation. Most of our participants then go onto an advanced mentoring programme for further professional development. Each Voice Dialogue Training workshop starts with an informal Friday evening primer session where you will get clear on your intentions, discuss case studies and have your questions answered. As well as attending the live events, you will be expected to read and view supportive materials, plus do 12 practice sessions which you will receive feedback on from Annie. There will be 3 online Q&A calls in between workshops with Annie plus you’ll get access to a closed Facebook group for additional support. You will also receive our ‘Know your Selves’ quiz which you can give to your clients to get them intrigued about what their highest and lowest scoring selves are! You’ll need to plan to have around 2 hours a week available for the practice sessions and content study videos.
All four weekend workshops will be held at The Lighthouse, Tytherington, near Frome in Somerset. There also happens to be the wonderful gluten free and dairy free Cafe Nouveau on site where Susan makes just the best GF, DF chocolate torte ever! There is a swimming pool opposite too and membership is included during your stay. You can book your own accommodation on-site or there are many other options locally.
The Lighthouse is a beautiful 17th century guest house set on 30 acres is a peaceful venue which will encourage a deep dive into your own transformation and study.
Beautiful venue – in the heart of the Somerset countryside, 30 acres of peace and tranquility for complete immersion.
Wonderful gluten and dairy free lunches, snacks and cakes from the exceptional Café Nouveau. Enjoy membership to the nearby swimming pool during your stay.
Rest and recharge – in beautiful rooms with everything you need for a very comfortable stay.
Accommodation is not included in the course and is for you to organise to suit your personal preferences. However there is limited pre-reserved on-site accommodation at The Lighthouse which you can book directly with the venue and receive a 10% discount. There is also a list of alternate accommodation nearby if you’d rather stay off-site.
Here’s the Course Programme:
Level One – Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2025
This first level is a weekend experiential workshop introducing the underlying theory of Voice Dialogue and the fundamentals of the facilitation process. You will learn amazing information about how your mind and personality are structured so that you can then support your clients to discover the same. Voice Dialogue develops an awareness of your inner selves and their functioning in your life which can enable you to release past patterning and integrate whole new ways of being. This understanding can free you from restrictions in all areas of your life to help you attain your relationship, career, financial and personal goals.
Over the weekend we will be covering:
- Getting to know sub-personalities
- Primary and disowned selves
- The Aware Ego process
- Basic facilitation skills
- Facilitating the heavyweight selves
- Working with energy
- How to tie it all together when facilitating
Photography to Soothe the Soul
The course will give you the opportunity for comfortable self exploration and learning as well as developing facilitation skills for you to use at home. The information and techniques you will learn can enhance your daily experiences, enabling you to bring true choice and awareness into your reactions and decisions, thereby giving you a real experience of your own personal power and creativity.
This workshop is suitable for anyone committed to their own growth as well as giving you the skills to begin using Voice Dialogue with a friend or partner in preparation for working with clients.
Level Two – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th October 2025
In this workshop we will explore how the Aware Ego process frees us from the patterning and restrictions we have so far lived through. You will be learning about the hidden structure of relationship dynamics, whether personal or business and how this information can start to really free you and your clients from the old habits of reactivity and blame. You will get clarity on how our primary and disowned selves impact our choice of partners and friends. You will learn amazing ways to unravel your clients’ relationship challenges and give them new tools to create healthy connections.
Over this weekend you will be exploring:
- Bonding patterns theory
- Causes of positive bonding patterns
- Causes of negative bonding patterns
- Inner parenting
- Development of the Aware Ego process
- Facilitating in relationships
- Facilitating a critical partner or colleague
While there may be a technical skill that you are learning to help others, you will also experience the magic that comes from the insights and growth that you experience personally.
Level Three – Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November 2025
In this workshop you will be expanding your facilitation skills. You will be learning about the sometimes debilitating opinions of the inner critic and how it can keep your clients completely stuck within its confines. Discover essential ways to successfully unhook from the Inner Critic’s voice so that you can help your clients explore the truth of who they really are. You will also learn how to do Body Dialogue for those clients who may suffer from difficult to solve physical symptoms.
Over this weekend you will learn about:
- Working with the Inner Critic
- Working with the Killer Critic
- The Inner Critic in relationships
- Sustainable intimacy
- Body Dialogue facilitation
- Enhancing the Aware Ego process
- Disowned Selves and pathology
This workshop allows you to deal with your clients’ deeply rooted patterns of self doubt and support safe investigation of healthier ways of relating with themselves.
Level Four – Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December 2025
In this workshop you will be expanding your facilitation skills set so that you can become more effective and more confident in working with clients. You will learn how to do powerful Dream Dialogue to unlock the answers that may be hidden in clients’ dreams. You will also be exploring your instinctual Disowned Selves. This deep personal work allows you to be able to facilitate many more aspects of clients you may work with as well as to become a richer and deeper human being. The more parts of yourself you have explored, the more effectively you can hold a space for clients to explore theirs.
You will be exploring how to work with:
- Dream Dialogue for unlocking symbols of the inner landscape
- Balancing the opposites
- Deepening the Aware Ego process
- Do’s and Don’ts in clinical practice
- The hidden realms of the Matriarch and Patriarch
- Disowned instinctual energies
- Conversational Voice Dialogue for the boardroom or café
- Integrating spiritual transformation
This workshop will give you the skills and confidence to hold the space for deeper exploration of your clients’ hidden selves. The more you have explored these in yourself, the greater your ability to remain clear and present for clients and for those around you. You will find a new level of inner freedom and outer expression.
See what past participants and clients have to say about Voice Dialogue Training:
Helen Eades – Coach
Maria Tucker – Coach
Emma Camble – Coach
Kate Wolf – Coach
Teresa – Remedial Therapist, Perth, W. Australia
Frederique – Coach, Adelaide, S. Australia
Andrew – Medical Doctor, Adelaide, S. Australia
“I’ve been on a personal development journey for years but have never experienced anything with such profound potential for eliciting change and transformation in both myself and for clients. It has such far reaching potential but needs to be fully embraced. You have to try it to believe it!” – Alison Sabine, UK
“I knew that I was missing something but this work has helped me find out what it was and have the confidence and self acceptance to go for it. Utterly life-changing!” – Nicky Elliott, UK
“If you are a coach and want to support clients powerfully on a deep level, Voice Dialogue Training is the way to go. You can get to the root of the client’s issue fast and hold space for a truly deep transformation.” – Ela Wassell, UK
“This is a life-changing process that, for me, has changed fundamentally how I show up in the world. I now have the tools and the knowledge to follow my path and live a life that is now full of limitless possibility. A profound shift in psyche and healing process resulting in peace, empowerment and a deep contentment.” – Frances Rossouw, UK
“What a roller coaster but well worth the ride! I’d wholeheartedly recommend this to any coach who wants to expand and enhance their practice.” – Janet Beauchamp, UK
“I have identified my pleaser traits and begun to introduce boundaries where I didn’t know they were needed in a ‘better’ way. The better way hopefully means I am more clear than controlling, and compassionate with myself and those I set boundaries around”. – Michelle Skinner, UK
“Thank you for the greatest weekend of mind learning and internal growth I have ever had” – G. Keath, QLD
“The results of Voice Dialogue are instant- so revealing in a very safe space. It’s revolutionary, amazing, powerful and sincere” – D. Holzworth, QLD
“Finally I can breath out. The information learnt this weekend is invaluable” – D.Vaughan, SA
“I found this workshop to be fascinating, enlightening and freeing. I believe the material I have learned will make a huge positive difference in my life. Thank you Annie, the course was most enjoyable” – L.Ford, Child care provider, WA
“The past weekend has been an amazing opportunity for me where insights into my psychological self is concerned. The liberation that comes from knowing that I have the power and freedom to be the best that I can be and achieve my maximum potential using Voice Dialogue is awesome. Thank you!” – R. Srisethi, Student, WA
“This course revealed to me without any doubt that we human beings are composed of a multitude of different selves, all arising from different circumstances and events, then running our lives. For anyone really wanting to understand themselves and by extension the variety of relationships in their lives, this course, ably and sensitively conducted by Annie Stoker, is the best they’ll find” – P. de Laeter, Lawn mowing Contractor, WA
“Thank you Annie- you were very clear. I found the workshop very rewarding and I have the knowledge now on how to use my sub-personalities. Thank you so much.” – J. Allan, Road worker, WA
“Voice Dialogue was great for me, as it enabled me to realise I now have a choice. You were great Annie and made it very easy for me to learn. I got a lot of insights into myself which will only better my growth. Thank you Annie”. – C. Taylor, WA
“Well worth the effort to attend if you’re interested in pursuing your own personal growth. The weekends have been highly rewarding and exciting. I highly recommend the course to anyone. Thanks Annie.” – D. Daly, WA
“The course was great! It has opened up a whole new range of possibilities for being. Very exciting!!” – J. Rosenberg, Manager, WA
“Letting go of all my defences or my armour so to speak and understanding why and what purpose they served in my life was a truly liberating experience. Getting to my authentic self and learning that I do have a choice in the way I am in the world was priceless. Annie is a knowledgeable and supportive teacher and I am so glad she walked this path with me. Thank you.” – Zora Harvie, Counsellor, WA
“As there are many parts to my personality that make up a whole it was great to have the freedom to explore these with laughter, amazement and curiosity. As Socrates states ‘Know thy self’, Voice Dialogue states ‘Know thy Selves’!” – Angela West, Hospital admissions officer, WA
“The realisation that sub-personalities control us and that we can learn to separate from them is, in my view, an essential tool for every human. To learn that we have the potential for every behaviour and conscious choice of when we use these energies has served to expand my awareness.” – D. Marshall, WA
“You will learn amazing insights about yourself. You’ll discover aspects of yourself you never knew you had. You’ll deal with blockages and overcome issues you thought were insurmountable. You will see yourself in another light and become stronger, happier and freer”. J. Gillingham, School teacher, WA
“A life changing experience. All relationships are more open, honest and loving. I can now look at ‘negative’ thoughts and beliefs with curiosity and interest. I’ve found freedom being in life”. – Vickie Malho, Accounts clerk, WA
“I found this an amazing and dynamic course. I was excited by all of it and amazed that for the four weekends I was totally engaged and captivated by what we were learning. I have found a lot of freedom and peace during this course and leave with an excitement and desire to continue learning as much as possible about this wonderful process” – Karen Tilley, WA
“We have all had experiences where part of us wants to do something and another part doesn’t. Voice Dialogue is a way to talk with those parts and find out what they really want.” – Chris Shaw, Geologist, WA
“The course is fantastic, the content fantastic and the teacher fantastic! Voice Dialogue is a wonderful approach to understanding why you are the way you are and breaks down into bite size chunks the individual parts that give you your experiences. As a result you have a better understanding of how to have a more rounded, balanced life and how to just live in the moment.” – Jodi Shaw, Admin assistant, WA
Annie’s dear late mentor Michael Rowland, author of ‘Absolute Happiness’, said that Voice Dialogue was the single most important technique he learnt in 40 years of study into the mind and the one that allowed him to have such a successful career and marriage. Annie had the great privilege of working closely with him for a decade as she toured around Australia, New Zealand and America with him as his event manager. Michael always included information about Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves in his wonderful workshops. Annie would then go back to many of the cities they visited to teach Voice Dialogue Training as there was such a demand for further information about sub-personalities. She also ran a very successful private practice in Perth, Australia for ten years running sessions and training in Voice Dialogue. This practice ran without any advertising, entirely on word of mouth due to the popularity and efficacy of Voice Dialogue.
Photography to Soothe the Soul
Ok so you’re convinced, right?! Come and join Annie and the amazing cohort 7 for Voice Dialogue Training 2025!
The course price is £3795, paid in full or in 10 easy instalments, includes all tuition at the four weekends, all class notes, 3 practice session Q&A calls, the Know your Selves quiz which you can use with your clients, access to our closed Facebook support group, morning and afternoon teas, delicious healthy lunches, deep transformation, an amazing new skill for your clients, a business boosting addition to your coaching practice and lots of fun! If you’re ready to pay in full you’ll also get a bonus one on one session with Annie to be taken any time throughout the course.
Also included is a full video library of content and demos from each of the four levels of the course for you to review and study in your own time.
As a special bonus you will also receive the Voice Dialogue Video/Audio Online Series worth £130. This is 20 hours of training in the theory of the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego process with Michael Rowland and the creators of Voice Dialogue, PhD psychologists Drs Hal and Sidra Stone. This is their most complete video training and offers invaluable information about the main sub-personalities, bonding patterns, the aware ego process as well as session demonstrations. Having much of the theory covered in this series allows us to focus on the experiential practice of facilitation in the workshops.
And as an extra special bonus to say thank you for paying in full, you will also receive a one hour one-on-one Voice Dialogue session with Annie worth £200! In this session you will get to meet one of your primary selves, discover how it is affecting your life and then learn ways to get some space from it so that you can make more empowering decisions moving forwards. You can take this session anytime before or during the course.
This 4 weekend professional training course being personally taught and supervised by Annie represents huge value based on her individual training rate! With only 3 spaces remaining you’ll need to act now to secure your place. Don’t miss out!
Click one of the buttons below now to reserve your place.